Newport High School competitions

Current Season Stats 8 teams


News Newport High School

Rosslyn Park HSBC National School Sevens 2014: The Draw!
Rosslyn Park HSBC National School Sevens 2014: The Draw! The Draw for the Rosslyn Park HSBC National School...
Millfield superb in winning Llandovery Sevens Congratulations to Millfield 1st VII who played fa...

Rugby Sevens Competitions

Urdd WRU 7s
Urdd WRU 7s
6 fixtures 100%
Teams 0
Upcoming 0
Played 6
WRU Welsh Schools and Colleges Leagues
WRU Welsh Schools and Colleges Leagues
9 fixtures 100%
Teams 0
Upcoming 0
Played 9

Rugby Union Competitions

Urdd WRU 7s
Urdd WRU 7s
6 fixtures 100%
Teams 0
Upcoming 0
Played 6
WRU Welsh Schools and Colleges Leagues
WRU Welsh Schools and Colleges Leagues
9 fixtures 100%
Teams 0
Upcoming 0
Played 9

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