Daily Mail Trophy logo
The Daily Mail Trophy has been a highlight of the Autumn Term since 2013, showcasing the prowess of the top rugby playing schools in the UK. It is a merit table based on common opponents; to be eligible a school must play at least five fixtures during the autumn term against other schools already competing in the Trophy.
Wellington College
Wellington College
Sedbergh School
Sedbergh School
Kirkham Grammar School
Kirkham Grammar School
2035 fixtures 100%
Teams 948
Upcoming 0
Played 2035
15 fixtures 100%
Teams 16
Upcoming 0
Played 15
1285 fixtures 100%
Teams 589
Upcoming 0
Played 1285

Rugby Nines Competitions

Shrewsbury House Rugby Nines
Shrewsbury House Rugby Nines
70 fixtures 100%
Teams 27
Upcoming 0
Played 70
John Fisher School Rugby Nines
John Fisher School Rugby Nines
23 fixtures 100%
Teams 10
Upcoming 0
Played 23
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